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This is a Calibrated Balance Valves, suitable for various liquid pipeline systems, and is an ideal brand-new energy-saving valve, set with a scaled digital display and visually adjustable to any position and lockable.
Main used for the warming pipeline system of industrial and civil buildings. It provides the means to settle such a problem existing in some pipe-net systems as the hydraulic imbalance and can accurately adjust both step-down and flow so as to improve the flowing status of the liquid inside of the pipe-net system to reach the target of the liquid balancing and energy saving.
Use of this valve in the reform of the dual-pipe network engineering can still save energy and get a better effect.

Calibrated Balance Valves
Calibrated Balance Valves

The figure below shows the curves of the flow performance of several valves, of which one of an equal percentage performance is made in my company. It can get known one equal variable rate with the opening makes the variable rate of flow equal, which features by the bigger the opening, the bigger the flow while the smaller the opening the smaller the flow. Most of the application in engineering is do neat a big flow, so this equal percentage valve is just suitable for this requirement.

Curves of Calibrated Balance Valves

Technical parameters

Model SP15-1016 SP45F-1016
Test pressure 2.4MPa
Working pressure =1.6MPa
Working temperature =120°C
Suitable medium Water , oil and other liquids
Performance curve Equal percentage
Range of installation and use Trunks, branches of pipe-net system, indoor water supply trunks, vertical branches and multiple boilers

Dimensions (mm) of SP45F-10/16

32 135 100 78 180 230
40 145 110 85 200 242
50 160 125 100 230 250
65 180 145 120 290 260
80 195 160 135 310 329
100 215 180 155 350 340
125 245 210 185 400 424
150 280 240 210 480 454
200 335 295 265 550 517
250 405 355 320 622 573
300 460 410 375 698 617
350 520 470 435 787 705

Dimensions (mm) of SP15F-10/16

DN ZG L S H Weight(Kg)
15 1/2" 100 27 128 1
20 3/4" 115 33 128 1.5
25 1" 125 46 130 1.8
32 5/4" 140 55 150 2
40 3/2" 160 55 187 2.5

Supplier: Saitai Valve, China
Manufacturer: Shop in Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park

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Next:Self Balancing Valve

Catalog:Balance Valves

Above:Circuit balancing valve

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